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Cad Audio U37 Usb Studio Condenser Recording Microphone
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Cad Audio U37 Usb Studio Condenser Recording Microphone

Product ID: 339739799
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Record studioquality audio directly to your computer via USB with the cAD U37 sideaddress condenser microphonea great choice for both vocal and instruments as well as for creating podcasts and voiceovers for videos compatible with both Windows and Mac OS operating systems, you can simply plug the U37 into your Pc and start recording The U37 has two switches on the front The first switch allows you to decrease the sensitivity of the microphone so the sound quality is clear for extremely loud sounds For example, the switch should be in the "10" position for loud voices, percussion and other high sound pressure level devices The "0" position should be used for normal voices and string instruments The second switch on the U37 is designed to reduce pickup of deepbass sounds The switch should be in the "Normal Bass" mode in most cases However, if you want to remove wind noise, ventilation noise, or decrease the low frequencies in a recording, the switch should be in the "Bass Reduction" position

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