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Fisher-Price 3-in-1 Music Glow and Grow Gym Infant Playmat with Lights & Removable Toys
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Fisher-Price 3-in-1 Music Glow and Grow Gym Infant Playmat with Lights & Removable Toys

Product ID: 457263321
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The Fisher-Price 3-in-1 Music, Glow and Grow Gym activity play mat is the place for your little one to 'glow up' their playtime. Newborns can reach, bat, and grasp 5 linkable activity toys including a mirror, soft rattle hedgehog toy, BPA-free snail teether, crinkle rainbow toy, and a music and lights otter. The music and lights otter plays 15 minutes of music and shines a soft-glowing light to make playtime otter-ly fun on or off the mat! As your baby grows, remove the two arches for tummy time on the large, comfy mat, so they can push up and engage those neck and core muscles. Plus, the gym's high-contrast colors can help with baby's earliest visual development. 3-in-1 activity gym that grows with your baby from newborn lay & play to tummy time and take-along (0M+) Includes 5 baby toys: music & lights otter with soft tail, self-discovery mirror, soft rattle hedgehog toy, BPA-free snail teether, and double-sided crinkle rainbow toy Take-along otter with up to 15 minutes of fun music and lights Gazing at their reflection in the mirror helps baby's self-discovery and large character faces aid in baby's visual development Large, 30 x30 inch playmat with high-contrast colors is machine-washable for easy cleaning

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Abdullah B.

Great price for an authentic product. Fast international shipping too!

3 weeks ago

Ali H.

Fast shipping and excellent packaging. The Leatherman tool feels very premium and sturdy.

1 day ago

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